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Public Building Commission Minutes 01/13/2010
South Windsor Public Building Commission
Minutes - Regular Meeting – January 13, 2010

Present:  Chairman Fitts,  Members: Bonzani, Jeski, Lyons, Neary, O’Connell, and Wilson.

Also present:  Construction Manager Bob Dwyer, Architect Brian Humes, Fire Chief Crombie, and Carol Flagg (representing the Seniors), and Town Council Liaison Prague.

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Directors’ Conference Room in the South Windsor Public Library.  A motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of December 9 was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.   Ed O’Connell was introduced to the group as the nominee of the Town Council to replace Carol Kelley.

Communications and Correspondence


New Fire House #3 and Ambulance Facility

Construction Manager Dwyer reported on construction progress.  Attached is the Construction Manager’s Monthly Report.  He pointed out that Steelfab was going out of business, but the interests of the Town, the CM, his suppliers, etc. are all protected and all parties have been paid what is due or funds are being retained.  The remaining materials for the building from Steelfab have been fabricated and will be delivered to the site.   Other activities on the schedule were discussed.  There are notes on the attached CM Report.  The CM provided each member with a giant sized project schedule for posting prominently in their homes.

On the attached Owner’s Change Order Log, PBC members approved item 004 as it is code required.  Also approved were items 009, 013, 015, 016 for 6 doors, 021 for 4 columns, 023 for 6 doors, and 024.  For 035 and 036 affecting the door access and controls for training room security and access between ambulance and fire areas, and amount not to exceed $10,000 was agreed to.  These items will reduce the remaining balance of the contingency account.  There were no new items on the CM’s Contingency Log.  

There was discussion of the activities and billings from the testing company, and those will be reviewed by the Chairman with the CM.

The attached report includes a variety of items confirming discussions with Chief Crombie.

Thankfully, Architect Humes did not bring to the meeting any more samples of brick and samples of block, but they have been set up near the trailer at the construction site,  Based on last meeting’s display and what some members have seen of the new mock-up, Commission members unanimously agreed to the proposed choices.

The CM was requested to get quotes from two qualified firms for the commissioning of the building’s systems.  There is $25,000 in the budget for this activity and it is a responsibility of the PBC, not the CM or Architect.

Community Center Expansion for More Senior Space

It was agreed that a meeting must be held to include PBC members, the architect, Dennis Sheridan, and representatives of the Seniors group.  The holidays complicate scheduling, but sharing of information must take place, and January is the target.

Payment of Invoices

Three invoices and one Application for Payment were presented for approval by the PBC.  A motion was made for approval of all four items.  It was seconded, and was unanimously approved for recommendation to the Town Manager for payment.  The following items were acted upon:
Invoice #24181 dated 12-16-09 totaling $1,375 from Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. for Firehouse jobsite testing.
Invoice #24216 dated 12-31-09 totaling $3,305.50 from Special Testing Laboratories, Inc. for Firehouse jobsite testing.
Invoice No. 09300 from Jacunski Humes Architects, LLC dated 12-15-09 totaling $9,100 for costs associated with architectural activities for the Fire Station # 3 Replacement Project.
Application for Payment # 014 dated 12-31-09 totaling $528,437.69 from Cutter Enterprises, LLC for costs associated with construction management for the Fire Station # 3 Replacement Project.

Election of Officers

Howard Fitts was nominated for the position of PBC Chairman by C. Lyons with a second from K. Jeski.  The motion to close nominations was unanimously approved and H. Fitts was declared elected.

Charles Lyons was nominated for the position of PBC Vice-Chairman by R. Wilson with a second from K. Jeski.  The motion to close nominations was unanimously approved and C. Lyons was declared elected.

It was agreed by all PBC members to meet on Wednesday, January 20 at 6:30 pm at the Community Center to discuss the Senior Center Project with Dennis Sheridan, Architect Anwar Hossain, Carol Flagg, and any other interested parties.

There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

The next regular PBC meeting is scheduled for February 10, 2010, starting at 6:30 pm in the Directors Room at the South Windsor Public Library.  

                                                        Respectfully submitted,
H. E. Fitts, Temporary Secretary